research approach
research approach


Project meeting in Villigen



The fourth meeting of the CORINT project at Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) in VIlligen was full of exciting updates shared among the project members. The series of experiments and bimodal image acquisitions performed since the beginning of the project are giving fundamental insights into the influence that defects at the steel-concrete interface have on the corrosion mechanism of steel in concrete (WP3), on the anodic behavior of iron in bentonite slurries as well as the mechanism of siderite scale formation on iron (WP2), and on the formation of different mineralogical compounds in archeological samples (WP4) through multimodal and multiresolution analysis (WP1). The main findings of each working package will be soon disseminated in international conferences and peer- reviewed journals, as listed in the Output section of this website. Have a look at it and stay tuned for future updates.

Project meeting in Lausanne



The third project meeting at EPFL in Lausanne was a great chance to share the developments and achievements of the members of the CORINT project. It was extremely interesting to see the mineralogical characterization of corrosion products found in a 2000-year-old iron nail (WP4) and the morphological features of the siderite scale generated on iron surfaces (WP2). Optimization of the bimodal imaging acquisition process was performed (WP1) and used to monitor the corrosion mechanism of steel in concrete over time (WP3), which gave valuable insights about the micro-scale processes involved at the steel-concrete interface. Keep following our updates for more exciting news.

Project meeting in Zürich



The second meeting of the CORINT project took place at the ETH Zurich Zentrum campus. It was exciting to see the first results obtained through multimodal in- situ tomography of archeological artefacts (WP4) and reinforced concrete specimens (WP3), as well as the experimental campaigns conducted to investigate the dissolution mechanism of siderite scale and the corrosion of aged iron in bentonite (WP2). Strategies to get the best out of the bimodal image acquisition process have also been presented (WP1), which will be further implemented in the future to monitor the corrosion development of iron in different porous media over time. Stay tuned for more updates.

Kick-off meeting in Neuchâtel



We had a great kick-off meeting today at the HE-ARC in Neuchâtel for our CORINT project. 16 team members attended, bringing together interdisciplinary expertise from corrosion science, archaeology, conservation and conservation science, civil engineering, radioactive waste storage, physics, image analysis and also otherwise considerable diversity (10 nationalities). We are eager to start utilizing quantitative multimodal in-situ tomography to make a breakthrough in the fundamental understanding of iron corrosion processes occurring within opaque porous media. Keep an eye out on this space for more updates.